It was Eunice's birthday.. and I was oblivious to it. So, to make up for it, I put on party hats on both Kiya and Louie. Just for you, Eunice! I know how much you love dogs. Especially Kiya.
I tried on a beach hat first with the dogs, but it didn't really work out.. (and then I found the party hats)
Kiya tolerated the party hat for a piece of salmon.. and this shot of her looks like one of those candid 'Eh?' photos - I have to put it up.
A better shot. "Happy birthday Eunice!! Come visit me soon" she said.
Louie was also not spared. I gave him a green party hat.. making him look like a unicorn with an.. algae-covered horn. ha ha.
I have no idea why he looks so morose even with a party hat. Sorry, Eunice. He is a party pooper.
One weekend ago, I woke to let the dogs into the bedroom. They got very excited, as they usually do on weekends, knowing it's special (we take them to the park), and Louie got a bit of tissue/paper snorted up his nose. He looks mortified.
And here's another picture of my 'dead dogs'. Kiya happened to lie on the area where there was a bleach mark on the concrete floor. Coupled with the tongue poking out, she looks like she just threw up and passed out, lol!!
A few weeks ago, when I was walking the dogs to the park, two boys, about 12 years old, stopped, stared, and started to laugh. They pointed their fingers at Louie, and laughed, hard. "What a funny dog! Ha ha ha!"
I didn't think it was very nice or polite to *point at somebody/thing and laugh, but I shrugged - they're kids, after all. Louie can look strange.. but he isn't that strange, is he? There are so many whippets in Singapore, and I think greyhounds look even more strange - they are extremely muscular and tall, but with very small heads and skinny legs.
At same angles, yes, Louie does look weird.
But most of the time, he looks just fine.
HAHA! Love the photos! Especially the one with Kiya and the patch of "drool" under her. hahahahahah that really cracked me up :D