That said, Kiya is very patient with Louie. Typical of a four year old, Louie can be truly irritating. E.g. After dinner, Kiya usually curls up next to us on the floor and sleeps. Louie, instead, plays with his toys very animatedly, and all too often, he would 'bounce' the Kong or BusyBuddy Squirrel all over the living room, and it would sometimes bounce off Kiya. He would also leap and jump about within a few centimeters from Kiya's face. Imagine how annoying that is to Kiya!
Still, Kiya can be a real b**ch when it comes to food. Once, when we weren't looking, Kiya silently growled at Louie, baring her fangs. I happened to glance in their direction and realised that Kiya was bullying poor Louie! (warning him not to get close to the treats in the 'Squirrel'). I did not manage to capture her expression (which was shocked us a lot), but here is a close shot:
Louie looking meek.
But of course, when I reprimanded her, Kiya was so contrite she immediately got up, licked her lips, bowed her head, and walked to a corner.
Louie may have a problem with dog aggression, but he sure is being bullied at home sometimes.. S fears for his delicate neck. The next time you meet my dogs, try holding Kiya's and then Louie's neck. You'd understand our fear. It would only take one bite from Kiya...
They sometimes fight for our attention too. If I ignore Kiya to pat Louie, Kiya would almost always roll on her back and try her best to look like a .. I don't know, a cuddly lap dog.
Louie would throw me pitiful expressions, begging for love. (I love Lou's expression here!)
(Here's a random shot of Kiya. She flapped her ears and it rested in a weird way and her fang was showing - she looks like a bat! LOL)
Back to Louie's dog agression problem. He may be dog aggressive, but Louie's a real wimp when it comes to many other things (large dustbins, strangers walking behind him, etc). This is what he did a few days ago when I had with me a large heavy bag -
yeah, he scurried under S' legs.
But he is endearing. I like how Louie sometimes sleeps with his long 'snouty' nose pressed aside.
It doesn't seem to bother him, though it does make me feel uncomfortable.
I'll end off with a few pictures of Kiya begging for belly rubs.
Heehee I like the picture of Kiya looking like a bat! :D