For example, when Person D takes Kiya and I for walks, I usually strut around with my head held high. This is because I am a hunting dog, and not just any hunting dog like my cousin Lemondrop, but a sight hound - I hunt by sight! So whenever I see another four-legged creature, I always perk up, huff and puff through my nose, and if we are close enough to the prey, I get very excited and will run around in circles (leashed, unfortunately). But Person D will get very upset and give me 'leash corrections'. Sometimes she raises her voice. So to avoid upsetting her more, I calm down. But I can't help getting excited in the first place.
Then there was yesterday morning, when both Persons D and S got up. Person D found a large puddle of pee on the first landing of the staircase, and guessed correctly it was my pee. She was so angry! I could tell, even though she did not say anything to me - she promptly got the mop out and mopped the spot five times. I am a good boy - I don't pee in our house, but I really couldn't hold the pee any longer..
Three times, Person D came home to find shredded paper towels all over the kitchen floor - "like snow" I heard her tell Person S. She wasn't happy. She finally figured that I was so bored being kept at home with Kiya (who sleeeeeeeps all day), that I took a roll of kitchen paper towel from the box in the pantry every day she left us at home. She thought I had jumped on the kitchen counter to get the roll! Ha ha. How silly. Hm, but now she has removed the box of paper towels so I can no longer vent my boredom tearing tissue up anymore..
This last month, I have stolen a Daim caramel cake from Person S' plate (hmm!) on the coffee table, and a small piece of chocolate cake from Person D when she was in the garden watering the plants. I don't understand why they were angry and worried. I love cake - why can't dogs love cake?
Oh, and I love to chew on their silicone ear plugs. Sometimes, on special weekend mornings, Person D let us into their bedroom. I like it there because it is so cold, sometimes too cold for me but Kiya loves it. And when I'm in there, I go straight for their ear plugs. Hm, so chewy!
Once, Persons D and S slept in for so long in the cold room that I could not take the cold anymore, and their white fluffy bed looked so inviting, I stepped onto their bed. Person S first noticed me and shouted 'No, Louie!', and I was expecting Person D to chase me off the bed, but she laughed and said something about changing the sheets later that afternoon anyway, and invited me on it! I snuggled between Person D and S, and felt very loved.
Most of the time, though, I'll just sleep next to Person D or S, whenever we are allowed into their room. I'm a good dog.. I hope they understand things from my point of view.

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