Kiya's getting on. She is older, crankier, and though she is an incredibly patient and tolerant dog, I suspect she suffers from some sort of doggie-PMS every once in a while. Louie? Well, Louie Lou. He prances around at night, pounces on his toys, leaps over a sleeping Kiya, barks at dogs, cats, suspicious-looking humans outside the window, paces, steals things from the coffee table (e.g. my glasses), etc. Even his long swishing tail can be annoying - he sometimes wags it in poor Kiya's face (I wonder what Kiya must think? Maybe some sort of tail-envy psychology going on).
So, Kiya does snap at Louie every now and then, scaring the living daylights out of S. I'm not too concerned; I know how dogs are - they squabble, and then they're best of friends again (as long as they are not two un-neutered male dogs).
Most of the time, they are so sweet to each other.

Just the other night, S and I looked over the coffee table and found this:

HAHAHA!! :D Oh, Kiya! Not quite a blowj**, ha ha.
We figured Kiya was probably lying there first, and then Louie came along and sat down on her face. LOL

Heehee, the last two pictures are hilarious! :D