Yesterday, Person D tried to cut my nails. I hate it whenever I see her whipping out the nail cutter. I started to squirm and show my displeasure by licking my lips but she ignored them and grabbed one of my paws and started to clip off my precious nails. Sure enough, she cut too much of a nail into the quick on one of my toes and it bled profusely. She was apologetic, but she still continued to cut the rest of my nails!! I was furious, and started to get up and walk away, but she followed me, and soon, got to the quick on another of my toe. Grr.
When Persons D and S went to bed, I licked my wounds - the two nails that were cut to the quick. They started to bleed again. Wherever I walked, the blood would flow. I plodded all over the living room, and then went up on the sofa and licked the wounds again. At around 4am, Person D got up and saw the blood-stained floors. Ha ha! The look on her face was priceless. She later told Person S that it looked like as if somebody was killed and dragged around the house. She spent an hour cleaning up the blood. That should serve her right - and hopefully teach her a lesson never to cut my nails again!
She later bundled up my two paws with the wounded nails. I wish the Corban bandage could have come in pink or bright red, not nude.
Still, I am happy these days. Person D has been buying lots of raw salmon, sometimes an entire salmon head, for me. Imagine! Fresh salmon imported from Hokkaido every dinner! And this morning, Person S gave me a bully stick treat. I hope the rest of the holidays stay this way.
Oh Kiya, you are SO cute! You are the cutest rottie I've ever seen!!! Awwwww that smile of yours :)