Today I got out of bed at 9am to find a pile of dry, mud-like, crumbly 'soil' poop smack in the middle of the living room floor. Louie greeted me happily, oblivious. Kiya was already hanging back. She knew.
I believe I have gone past the stage of being angry and frustrated with Louie with his toilet-training. He has peed, and pooped, in the apartment countless times. The bright side is that he has not once done it on our bed or on the sofa (let's hope, never!), but he has done so on his own bed - twice, peed near my xbox games such that a little splashed on them (ughhhh! I washed them), and the poor floor has been bleached and poured with vinegar so often that it is looking the worse for wear.
I have praised him when he goes outdoors, and caught him in the act peeing in the house and yelled at him, so he does know that peeing in the apartment is bad. He has been good with peeing, well, for about the last two weeks. The problem is, I have yet to catch him actually taking a dump in the house such that I can correct him.
Salukis are supposedly very difficult to house-break. I don't know why that is so. They have been called stupid and stubborn. I don't think they are stupid, actually. On the contrary, I think Louie is extremely intelligent, BUT he is independent to a fault, and is not at all obedient. He is rebellious, and has a mind of his own.
It is not that Louie could not hold it in - it was not diarrhea. He probably just did not care, and thought that he could do it in the apartment!
So as I picked up the poop and vinegared the floorboards and wipe it all up, I reminded myself that much as I want to wring that little scrawny neck of his, he is, after all, a dog - Saluki or not.
And he looks absolutely angelic when he wants to. Especially when he is asleep.
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