To my great delight, Person V exclaimed that I am very skinny! The more she went on about how she could feel my ribs and my spine, the more I sucked in my stomach and doe-eyed my person. Person S also rubbed it in, using his Dogmanitarian trump card again. Person D finally relented and said she would start giving me bigger dinners from now on. Yes! Score!
Here I am, trying to do a Louie on the stairs landing.

Unfortunately, Person D just laughed at me :(
Oh and of course, Louie has been his irritating self as usual. Sometimes, he'd vacate his bed and growl at something in the garden and I'd immediately take his bed. Ha! But sometimes that little nit would squeeze in with me. I couldn't snap at him as Person D was around..

And Person D finds it cute that we share a bed, jeez.
Here's a picture to end of my little note. Louie has crimped hair, HA HA!! How sissy is that!

Apparently Person D gave him a bath, and his hair on his ears naturally crimps after drying off from a shower, but I don't quite believe that. I think he did it to get some attention.