I did not wait. I got into the sea very quickly.
It was at this point that Person D suddenly lost control of Louie because he was so excited (and he can't swim properly like me - he hops in the water. What type of dog hops in the water?!) and he broke free and sprinted around. Person S was frantic but Person D and I knew Louie would come back - he did, but from then on Person S made sure we were leashed. Hmphf.
We went swimming, and then took a five minute break, and then it was back to the water again.
Look how much of a handful Louie was, to Person S. Whenever he saw another dog, he got crazy. Jeez.
Louie, look. This is how you swim:

Persons SM and D marvelled at how good a swimmer I was, so I swam even more to show off my ability. I floated so easily, and paddling was so fun and painless!
Of course, sometimes I really did not like the water in my ears and I'd shake, much to Person SM's amusement ("It's no use, Kiya!").
Louie looked quite miserable. I think he really wanted to break free and leap and hop in the water instead of paddling about.
I met many dogs there. Sometimes, Person D would let me offleash - which I should rightly be - I was extremely well-behaved with all the dogs there, though some were not that nice to me.
I remember her. She is called Bella and she just got here from Geneva, Switzerland! I wondered how she managed the switch from snow to sand.
It was at this point when Person D felt very bad for Louie who was leashed up throughout. He was also getting very frustrated, barking and whining. He really wanted to run. So all of us swam across a short stretch of water to an island of sorts. When we got there, Person D persuaded Person S to let Louie offleash, and when he did, Louie immediately hopped about in the water and ran into the bushes on the island.
Person S was worried that he would sprint away and then swim to shore and terrorise both people and dogs like Gozilla, so he ran after him. I ran with him as it was all so exciting.
Alas! Louie, that git, he ran over a nest, home to some sort of stinging creatures - hornets? wasps? - but being such a sprinter with such a slinky body of his, he jumped right over them and ran away. Person S and I were right behind - and we got the full force of the stings. Poor Person S! He shouted at me, "Kiya, run!" and he ran back to the sea and jumped into it.
When Person D found me, I was rolling about as I got stung. Person S also suffered about three or four stings. We swam back, and soon, the pain got to me and Person S. Of course, the trip was over. And back home, after all the showers to get rid of the sand, and drying up, Person D found me with my right eye swollen.
She said I looked like a boxer with a bruised eye.
I did not find it funny, as it was painful. But I was so tired from all that swimming in the sea, I slept through it all that day, and even the next.
Person S and I are both alright now, but we were rather huffy towards Person D and Louie for a while. They got by unscathed.